By delimiter

In QuickTable, you can split a column by a delimiter.

Where to find Split Columns

You can easily find the Split column in the toolbar.

Split columns by delimiter into columns

In this example, the initial table will be the one shown in the image below, with only one column for Order ID.

This column holds three values:

  • Country of order

  • Order year

  • The numeric ID of an order

You want to split this column into three columns. The values are delimited by a '-'. To do this split, select the column, and then select Split in the toolbar. In the configuration panel, apply the following configuration:

  • Select "Customize" and enter delimiter: '-'

  • Choose Keep all columns after splitting

  • You can customize the prefix for the new column name

The result of that operation will give you a table with the three columns that you're expecting.

Keep a fixed number of columns

If you only want to keep a subset of the split columns, you can choose Keep a fixed number of columns.

The result will only keep the first column.

Last updated